Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A pleasant drinking evening that is not so pleasant

It was a same "happy hours" Cheers routine yesterday evening with the bunch of buddies and there is this girl who came along with one of the guy, a sweet sexy little thing. I joined in much later cos I was tied up with some late discussion in the office. When I arrived she is the first person I notice due to the enchanting look and she smiled before I even introduce myself. The first thing my buddy did was to introduce me to her and we had a soft handshake and suddenly something struck my mind was "She is an insurance agent!!!" Exec . I was right. What do you call this? Instinct? Hmm.. She hand me her name card with the BIG Insurance Logo on it after her name "Nicole". Well not to mention why but I had this phobia with insurance agent. As usual I grab my first gulp of a cold chilling beer, drain down the long day stress. My buddies were chatting away with some subject that I wasn't focusing so I enjoyed the music away. Daddy-o Nicole was sitting on my right after my buddy and I noticed she was like listening to the crapping away but her eyes was kinda like looking and planning a strategy to bring out the sword on me. Hah! I thought to myself. Here she goes, the typical insurance sales person. Then I kept tracking her move that I challenge myself that I know what she is up to next and bingo! she shifted her seat next to me and asked for my name card. Second step bingo! again. She asked about my job scope and how many people are there in my office. And the bingo! went on and on....and finally she enter her chapter 1 ....."Do you have an insurance policy?" and I said YES, MANY but the Blah Blah Blah went on. And guess what, my sickening, annoying buddy sitting right in front of me still have the cheek to show me this Phew and giggled. The conversation went on for a torturing 30 minutes that I wasn't actually listening and I told myself enough! I have to "skid off". I excuse myself to go to the loo and came back pretending to bottoms up with the gang and dive myself into their conversations, trying very hard to pick up what they crap about.

After a few peaceful moments I thought the earlier "insurance" topic had ended and return to my seat and guess what, she continues where we stop earlier!!! DuhSuper isn't it??? Bow Down And the guy sat right in front of me did this Laughing 1 So at that moment of death or live I told myself I have to execute my contigency plan to knife off the whole conversation. Without much tolerence I decided to call it the night early and pretending that I wasn't feeling well. Either she doesn't get my hint, message and signal or these insurance sales agent had been trained to ignore "signals", she asked me if she could see my in my office the next day!!! Surrender Incredible right? Excellent trained, persistant and professional Sales Insurance Agent!! Since she is my buddy's friend and also already my friend i said Call Me ......

That is why I had phobia with Insurance Sales Agent.


Anonymous said...

hahaha.... so cham la you, poor guy. Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

pretty gals are dangerous. Ding! Ding!