Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A journey my way?

I was pondering about this for sometimes. The journey we had walk over all these years since the day we see lights are the path that we took? Somehow things happen the way often not the way we would want it to happen. How in most unexplainable cases, we meet interesting people along the way... Some whom we could click instantly and many of these acquaintances who eventually turn into one of your best buds. Along the journey our life is like an airport where people comes from everywhere and go without you even realizing it. I am amazed with the way life was created, we learn to crawl, then walk and run. We go to school and the next thing you know you graduated. By the time we have time to sit down and ponder about these, its just a small empty space that you have to relax after routine busy life at work. I could even imagine the days to come when I would have to start my journey as a daddy to my childrens and in no time I am retiring. I am not predicting further however I know the word retiring scares me which means I will be counting my days of my life. Life is indeed colourful. But again, is the journey of our life the path we actually chosed or we simply don't have a choice. Many years ago someone defines life to me as a story of a person wrote by destiny. Whatever we do are written even a simple thing we do like sitting here writing these is also destined. Part of my story written. If that is simply true, we need not paint anymore picture for our own life. Simply amazing!!

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